A Better Lemonade Stand #266

Insights, trends & tools to build a better online business.

👋🏼, Richard from A Better Lemonade Stand.

Every week, I write an email filled with the most intriguing insights, trends, tools, and opportunities that can empower you to create profitable digital products and businesses.

This week's dispatch:

  • 💡 Insights: A Deep-dive into Franck's Choice of Buy Over Build

  • 🌟 Opportunity: The Niche Newsletter Opportunity + Exclusive Early Access to My Research Hub

  • 🧰 Featured Tools: The AI App Generator I’ve been waiting for.

If you’re interested in learning more about who I am and my entrepreneurial journey, check that out here; otherwise, let’s explore this week’s insights, opportunities, and featured tools.

On the Horizon

A Better Lemonade Stand is leveling up with the launch of a Live AI Link Feed (*ahem* Airtable Embed).

For those of you craving more than a weekly newsletter, this will be your new go-to. I dive into 100+ newsletters, articles, and tools each week, picking apart the buzz to bring you the best of the best in real-time.

Each link is meticulously tagged and categorized, ready to accelerate your entrepreneurial journey.

All Trends AIDiscover the latest AI trends, tools, and insights before everyone else. Boost your productivity and make your daily life easier with AI, in just 4 minutes a day. Join 20,000+ readers from companie...

💡 Insights

🛠️ Exploring Franck's Maker Journey & Uncovering the Gems for You

Recently, Katt from NoCodeExits published a great interview with Franck, unveiling his unique journey of transforming marketplace-acquired website templates into a online business and brand named Templatery.

While you can delve into the full interview here, I’m here to distill the essence and highlight the noteworthy takeaways right below:

How Templatery Came to Be:

Franck didn't build his business, Templatery, from scratch; he acquired it. The venture was already earning a modest amount of money and came with clients, sales, and an existing online presence.

Franck rebranded it within just one week using a few nocode tools, like Carrd for a sales page and Lemon Squeezy for custom landing page orders.

Business Model & Growth:

Templatery has three revenue streams: template sales, affiliate sales, and custom landing page designs. Within 7 months, he almost doubled the revenue.

Marketing Tactics:

He leverages blog articles for organic traffic, DMs potential customers, builds in public on Twitter, and participates actively in solopreneur and indie maker communities.

Lessons & Opportunities:

1️⃣ Acquire Instead of Build: If a business aligns with your interests and skills, acquisition can be a faster route to profitability. This eliminates the guesswork of market validation.

2️⃣ Use No-Code Tools: Franck showed how NoCode tools like Carrd and Lemon Squeezy can help you set up a professional-looking business in record time.

3️⃣ Diversify Revenue Streams: Having multiple income channels can protect your business from unforeseen challenges. In Franck's case, it also helped him grow revenue quickly.

4️⃣ Community Engagement: Being helpful and active in relevant communities builds trust and authority. This is crucial to establish credibility.

5️⃣ Start Simple: Focus on core features initially. Franck sold his first template with just a basic Lemon Squeezy page, proving you don't need a complex setup to start earning.

If you’re looking to buy instead of build, I highly recommend the marketplace that Frank also purchased his templates from, Microns.io.

🌟 Opportunity

📧 The Buzz Around Niche Newsletters
A generic newsletter is like a buffet—too much of everything, not enough of what you actually want. In an age where attention spans are dwindling, niche newsletters are standing out as micro-targeted sources of information that readers genuinely look forward to.

😟 The Dilemma:

Generic newsletters often fail to deliver value, overwhelming readers with a mishmash of content.

🔥 The Niche Newsletter Opportunity

Focused on a specific topic or industry, these newsletters are more than just emails. They are tight-knit communities that foster engagement and provide high-value content you won't find in broad publications.

👍 The Advantages:

  1. Deep Engagement: Readers are more likely to open, read, and interact.

  2. Content Relevance: A laser focus on topics that genuinely matter to your audience.

  3. Brand Authority: Positioned as a thought-leader in your chosen niche.

  4. Monetization Opportunities: Because the audience is so targeted, you can charge a premium for advertising or even move to a paid subscription model.

  5. Innovative Formats: With less need for broad appeal, niche newsletters can experiment with content formats.

😅 However, the Challenges Are Real:

  1. Audience Size: Naturally limited when you’re focused on a specific niche.

  2. Quality Over Quantity: Requires in-depth, often specialized, content.

  3. Frequent Updates: Your audience expects regular, fresh content to keep subscribing.

💸 Monetization Magic:

  1. High CPM Rates: An engaged and targeted audience can command premium advertising rates, netting you upwards of $45-$50 CPM.

  2. Sponsored Content: Partner with brands that resonate with your niche.

  3. Affiliate Marketing: Leverage products you genuinely recommend.

  4. Subscription Models: Provide exclusive content for paying subscribers.

  5. Merch: Use platforms like Printful to create and sell niche-specific merchandise.

  6. Online Courses/Webinars: Offer in-depth learning experiences around your niche topic.

💫 Golden Nuggets:

  1. Expertise Matters: Your specialized knowledge isn't just an asset; it's your competitive advantage.

  2. No-Code Tools: Use platforms like Beehiiv for simple setups and a full suite of built-in monetization options

  3. AI for Personalization: Leverage segmentation, AI, and personalization to increase engagement and your ad rates.

🚀 Early Access to my Niche Newsletters Research Silo

Behind the scenes, I’ve been working on a dynamic knowledge hub tailored for the digital entrepreneur and aspiring newsletter writers.

The Niche Newsletter Research Silo includes:

  • Structured Insights: Discover the fundamentals of newsletter creation and advanced strategies for subscriber engagement and growth.

  • Hand-Picked Tools: A compilation of recommended email marketing and monetization platforms to propel your newsletter venture.

  • Regular Updates: Stay informed with regularly updated links, strategies, and industry news curated to keep you ahead in the game.

Your Go-To Resource:

  • The Niche Newsletter Research Silo is more than just a document—it’s a reliable resource guiding you through the journey of building and nurturing a thriving newsletter business.

Curated by my team and me, this living Notion document evolves in real time, helping to ensure you stay ahead in the newsletter game.

🔑 Unlock Your Early Access for Free

I'm excited to offer early access to the first 50 subscribers who respond to this email.

Just hit reply to this email.

A simple hello, your favorite emoji, or share the niche you're keen on exploring with a newsletter - anything goes!

I'll get back to you promptly with a link to dive into the Notion base.

🧰 Featured Tools

🎉 Discover Softr's AI App Generator!

  • 🚀 Empowerment on Steroids: Softr's stepping up the game! From leading the pack with OpenAI features in no-code platforms, they're now rolling out the AI App Generator.

  • 🛠️ Effortless Building: Whip up fully functional apps with just a simple prompt. Transform manual workflows into robust web applications—no coding saga!

  • 🧠 AI at the Helm: Delight in AI-crafted designs, themes, and data management in Google Spreadsheets (Airtable's up next).

  • 🎯 Boundless Opportunities: Whether it's client portals, CRMs, internal tools, directories, or membership platforms—your creative realm just got bigger and better.

  •  Dive In and Explore: The Softr's AI App Generator is your new playground.

Check out Softr AI or learn more in this blog post.

Other Links Worth a Look

💡 Typeshare - A digital writing platform that aids in idea generation, outlining, and overcoming the blank page hurdle, all within a user-friendly environment.

🚀 CompanyCraft - Assists in generating personalized business ideas and crafting AI-boosted business plans, aimed at simplifying the early stages of entrepreneurs face.

🎙️ CastMagic - Converts audio into ready-to-publish textual content, including transcriptions, show notes, summaries, and social content, streamlining the content creation process.

🌐 YouAI - Provides a platform for generating app ideas and building AI apps.

🔥 Blaze - An AI tool designed for solo marketers to create brand-consistent content across various types like social ads, blog posts, and email sequences, easing the marketing workload.

Alright, that's a wrap for this week.

Until our next newsletter rendezvous, stay curious.


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  1. (Good) Reply to this email, say hi, and introduce yourself. Tell me what you like best about the newsletter.

  2. (Better) Leave a testimonial. Then shoot me an email and introduce yourself.

  3. (Best) Leave a testimonial, share my newsletter with your friends and followers, and make sure to send me an email to introduce yourself.

Need help as an entrepreneur, brand, or company?

Here are some of the ways I can help:

  1. Consulting Calls: Book a 45-minute call for personalized guidance on AI, product selection, and marketing. Book a call

  2. Advertising: Reach 30k entrepreneurs for $250 per newsletter. Passionate audience guaranteed. Learn more

  3. Long-Term Sponsorships: Let's make a big impact with sponsorship and collaboration. Learn more

This communication is not intended as business counsel. It serves as a weekly briefing on entrepreneurship and my initiatives, designed for informational and entertainment purposes. Revenue may be generated through sponsorships, affiliate links, and digital product sales.