A Better Lemonade Stand #293

Insights, trends & tools to build a better online business.

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Insights, trends, tools, and opportunities to build a better online business.

Hey friend,

They say with great power comes great responsibility.

In my irresponsible case, "power" came to me in the form of generative AI music.

Specifically, AI-generated gangsta rap music in Udio after their latest update.

With this newfound power, I spent the better part of my weekend creating diss tracks for all my friends.

You can also check out some of my more introspective rhymes.

Keep an eye out for the full album at your local Sunrise Records.

But seriously, AI music is about to cross the chasm from being a novelty to completely democratizing music creation.

In just a few months, anyone, including your 98-year-old Nana, will be able to make club bangers or concertos from a short prompt or from that story she's told you 1,000 times already.

In this week's newsletter, we will look at a few significant AI music and audio-related developments that are worth paying attention to. The music industry is on the brink of a major transformation, and where there's change, there's opportunity.

Moving on, this is my favorite edition of the newsletter so far, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Let's explore what I've got lined up for you this week:

  • 🤙 AI Call Agents Are Taking Over: Explore how AI revolutionizes call interactions.

  • 🔮 The Evolution of AI in Music: Take a look at AI's role in transforming music production.

  • 🤳 Ali Abdaal's Failed Keyboard Launch: Key (get it?) lessons from a failed product launch from a major tech influencer.

  • 📰 Buying a Tech Newsletter: Insights from a $40k newsletter acquisition.

Until next week, friend 👋🏼

Richard Lazazzera

 📈 Trends

🤙 AI Call Agents Are Taking Over the World

With the rapid advancements in AI speech recognition and processing this year, AI call agents are now capable of having human-like interactions and conveying emotions without sounding robotic.

Some Key Players:

Numerous new players are offering various solutions in the market. Here are two AI phone agent tools that you can implement without any coding:

  • Play: For businesses looking for no-code options alongside API access. It has the lowest cost per minute, suitable for smaller businesses. Get an example of a call here (Link)

  • Synthflow: Synthflow just introduced AI voice teams. They offer a competitive price with flexible deployment options for SMEs looking for efficiency and affordability. You can test their call agents here (Link)

Why Is It Trending?

  1. Human-like Interactions: AI agents are better at interpreting the emotional undertones of the conversation, and the conversation flows more naturally. This allows AI agents to respond with empathy and appropriateness, providing a customer experience that feels more genuine and human. Get case studies on successful AI agent integrations here.

  2. Scalability: AI agents can help your business handle hundreds of calls simultaneously for different roles, such as recruiting and customer support, and it works 24/7, which isn’t possible without a large team. The use of AI agents is predicted to grow from an estimated 1.6% of interactions in 2022 to 10% by 2026. (Source)

  3. Reduced Cost: Businesses can have a great customer experience while reducing overall costs on talent. By 2026, conversational AI deployments in contact centers will lower agent labor costs by $80 billion. (Source)

🔮Tap Into the Future of AI Music

AI Music is taking over, and it is mind-blowing. We're seeing tools that produce human-like music across various genres with just a couple of prompts.

Some Key Players:

  • Eleven Labs: They just announced a preview of their tool, and the quality is amazing. MattVidPro AI shares his live reaction and thoughts.

  • Udio and Suno: These companies need to innovate further to keep up with Eleven Labs, a giant in the space. It's a race to see who can create the most lifelike music.


  • Artists Implications: AI’s ability to create music that rivals humans has sparked a debate about creativity and the value of the human touch. Some are scared, some are thrilled, as 72% of music industry professionals predict AI could improve music production quality. (Source)

  • Impact on the Music Industry: This tech is lowering barriers to entry, which will lead to an explosion of musical content and innovation. Could we start seeing AI artists topping the charts as AI-generated music is expected to bring a 17.2% increase in revenue in the music industry by 2025. (Source)


  • Emotional Refinement: Future advancements will focus on enhancing the emotional expressiveness of AI-generated music and refining the tech to produce more sophisticated compositions. The AI music market is projected to be worth $3.1 billion by 2028, a substantial increase from $300 million in 2023. (Source)

Thoughts: This tech lets you implement unconventional strategies within niche markets and enhance your business. Integrate it into no-code fitness or mental health apps for example, where tailored music could enhance ambiance or therapeutic outcomes. You could combine this with Gunnars AI Facebook Ad strategy for a marketing edge.

 📣 Sponsor

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 💡 Insights

🤳 Lessons From Ali Abdaal's Failed Keyboard Launch

Despite Ali Abdaal’s 5.5 million following, his keyboard launch didn't go as expected. Here’s what we can learn from this failure:

  • Product Differentiation Matters: The keyboard didn't stand out from competitors. Critics like Hipyo Tech highlighted that it wasn't unique or well-designed for its price range.

  • Lack of Focus: This was a side project, not a main priority. This lack of focus meant the team couldn't invest the time needed to refine and perfect the product like their competitors.

  • Thoughts: Don’t expect stellar results if you treat your product like a side project. Ensure your product aligns with your ideal customer's needs and genuinely solves their pain points.

📰 Insights From Buying a Newsletter for $40k

Michael spent $40k to acquire the newsletter he was head writer for.

Here’s why… 👇

  • Community Connection: Parrish values the shared passion among AI enthusiasts who view tech as more than a trend that fosters collaborative opportunities to grow and innovate together.

  • Unlimited Industry Potential: With the AI industry projected to reach over $2.7 trillion by 2032, Parrish believes @BotEatBrain is well-positioned to tap into this massive market growth.

  • Thoughts: I am sure you have heard this a million times, but it is important to surround yourself with like-minded people in a niche from the start of your ventures.

👥 Use This Trick to Discover Your Ideal Audience

If you didn’t make it to Greg Isenberg's webinar last week, here’s a quick recap of what was discussed:

  • Finding Trends: They share how to use tools like Google Trends and Reddit to uncover growing trends.

  • Leveraging Trends for Success: Position yourself by building products and services around them.

  • Thoughts: Identifying trends in hot subreddits is a clever strategy. This way, you can create niche products that resonate deeply with an audience already there.

🤵 A Solopreneurs Blueprint to $45K/Month

Tony Dinh went from a software engineer to a thriving solopreneur, achieving $45K in monthly revenue with software products in just two years.

  • Strategic Product Development: Discover Tony's approach to quickly building small, impactful products and his feedback loops for agile development as a solopreneur.

  • Building and Leveraging an Audience: How he grew a massive following of 97K on Twitter, leveraging this audience to drive consistent traffic and sales.

  • Thoughts: By focusing on MVPs that address specific pain points, Tony can bring solutions to market quickly, testing viability and functionality without a massive upfront investment.

💪 Maximize Productivity With the Founder OS 4%

Matt Gray shares the Founder OS 4% System to help optimize productivity by focusing entirely on crucial tasks that drive most business results.

  • The 4% Rule: Understand how applying the Pareto Principle means that a small fraction of your efforts lead to a significant portion of your outcomes, streamlining work and decision-making.

  • Broad Applications: Learn to implement the 4% rule across different aspects of personal life and business performance.

  • Thoughts: Follow this framework so that you can get the extra time and resources to explore new opportunities and engage in personal development.

🧰 Apps & Tools

🦊 BlogFox: This AI tool converts YouTube videos into high-quality blog posts tailored to your writing style. It also saves time by generating SEO-optimized posts that automatically include relevant links and images.

👩 Ilus: Five years ago, a custom illustration for a blog post feature image would cost around $200 from a graphic designer. Now, with an AI illustration generator like Ilus, we can generate them at scale for pennies.

🧓 Leonardo.ai: Boost your creativity with the update to Leonardo’s Content Reference and Multi-Style Reference features by guiding image generation with input images, restyling visuals, and creating variations.

🔤 Anyword.AI: Use this data-driven copywriting tool to help optimize and tailor your marketing content to improve engagement and conversion rates across various distribution channels.

📖 Events

🤖 How to Use AI to Set Your Workflows Free

Matthew Wensing is giving us a live YouTube walkthrough on how AI can transform your no-code operations, optimize workflows, and boost productivity.

Date and Time: Thursday, May 16, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM GMT+2

Who Should Attend: Entrepreneurs, tech enthusiasts, and no-code creators looking to enhance their workflows and operational efficiency through AI.

🤖 Product Updates

🤖 OpenAI Launchs GPT-4o

OpenAI has introduced some major updates, including the rollout of GPT-4o at yesterday's event.

Remember the movie Her? Well… it’s her.

  • Advanced AI Support: With GPT-4o, you can record a video, and the AI can analyze the content, answer any questions about what's happening, and understand emotions. Take a look at this math tutoring example.

  • UI Improvements: They mentioned that the update includes a new user-friendly desktop version of ChatGPT.

  • Thoughts: Following the trend of AI girlfriends I mentioned last week, this update has sparked more discussions about AI girlfriend apps being built on top of this model.

🚀 Udio Launches Audio Inpainting and Subscriptions

Regarding AI music trends, Udio has introduced Audio Inpainting, a new feature allowing users to edit and refine their audio tracks seamlessly by re-generating selected portions.

  • Advanced Audio Editing: The new Audio Inpainting feature lets you refine vocal lines, fix errors, and smooth out transitions directly within the interface.

  • Flexible Subscription Tiers: Udio's new subscription tiers offer varying credit levels to accommodate different needs. All existing users will receive 400 bonus credits for early adoption.

  • Thoughts: This new feature enhances the user experience by allowing detailed audio edits, significantly boosting content creators focused on media production.

🔍 New AI Search Engine Upend Challenges Big Tech

Upend, a Canadian startup, is making waves in the AI search space to democratize access to advanced generative AI tools.

  • Customizable Search: Upend allows users to select from 100 LLMs for work and everyday queries, offering answers with proper citations and giving more choice and precision than other search engines.

  • Affordable Team Plans: With a team plan starting at just $20/month, Upend provides a more cost-effective option when building your team over a tool like Perplexity.

  • Thoughts: Upend is an earlier-stage product, so they are still ironing out a few things, which can be a double-edged sword for you, but It offers the potential for rapid improvements to your feedback.

🖇️ Everything Else

📜 Manage Your Project Entirely with Notion

Simon Høiberg’s shares how to manage your growth effectively while keeping operational costs low by using Notion as a centralized tool for project management, content creation, and automation. (🔗 Link)

🫂 AI Date Matchmaking Prediction

Whitney Wolfe Herd predicts the future of dating involves your AI dating other people's AI and recommending the best matches for you. Which is also essentially the Black Mirror episode Hang the DJ - becoming a reality. (🔗 Link)

🎶 Suno AI Song Structuring Tips

Look at this tweet to see how Suno AI's meta tags can help you structure songs and guide vocals and instrumentals seamlessly. Use this guide to create creative campaigns or promotional videos to differentiate your brand and captivate your audience. (🔗 Link)

🎨 Midjourney Web Opens to More Users

The Midjourney Web is now open to anyone with over 100 images. Instead of using Discord, head to Midjourney Alpha to explore prompts, generate new images, or tweak settings like size and stylization. (🔗 Link)

🌑 The Dark Side of AI

In March, a guy used an AI tool called Parallel to impress and deceive a woman by creating a fake viral livestream, making her believe he was popular. This social experiment quickly went viral. Could this spark a dangerous new trend? (🔗 Link)

How did I do this week?

Each week, I spend countless hours curating, distilling, and sharing the top insights, trends, tools, and opportunities to help you build a better online business. Your feedback is important and helps me, help you.

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