A Better Lemonade Stand #291

Insights, trends & tools to build a better online business.

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Name: Anonymous (Update)
Business Status: Not Added (Update)

Hey friend,

Thanks for joining me for another week of insights, trends, tools, and opportunities to build a better online business.

Recently, I’ve been overwhelmed with ideas. 

Managing a bustling life with a new 2-month-old has made capturing these fleeting thoughts daunting—ideas were slipping away!

This past weekend, I tackled this challenge head-on.

I crafted a solution using Make that instantly captures any raw idea or thought and turns it into a well-researched, structured report. 

By simply typing or speaking a quick note or typing my thoughts into a Slack channel, my system uses multiple AI agents—each specially trained for different stages—to flesh out these ideas into detailed reports.

These stages include initial research, accuracy checks, report writing and tailoring content to my specifications, and a final edit to enhance the presentation.

The complete, refined report is delivered directly to my Slack within seconds, and a copy is automatically stored in my Airtable database, ensuring no idea is ever lost.

While still in the early testing phase, this system is already revolutionizing how I manage my creative overflow, all without needing to find extra time in my busy schedule.

Curious about setting up a similar automation? Hit 'Reply' to this email. If there's enough interest, I'll develop a step-by-step tutorial to share with you.

Alternatively, later in this email, I will feature a few new apps that will allow you to create a similar workforce of AI agents.

Now, let’s explore what we've lined up for you this week:

  • 💥SaaS Innovation Waves for 2024: Explore how strategies like white labeling and lifetime deals are reshaping the SaaS industry’s future.

  • 💸No-Code Success Stories: Uncover how five startups crossed the $100k MRR threshold using innovative no-code platforms.

  • 🤵Crafting Your AI Teammates: Get tools and insights on how to build custom AI assistants that can help you automate complex workflows.

  • 📃What Project I’m Eyeing: Check out this affordable no-code tool for sale that conducts thorough website audits to increase conversion rates.

As always, I appreciate you part of this community.

Until next week,


 📈 Trends

💥 4 Explosive Trends for SaaS Projects In 2024

Simon Høiberg uses his experience and industry insights to provide 4 emerging strategies for accelerating your SaaS company’s success.

Here’s what each of these four trends means for you if you are in the SaaS space, along with action steps you can take:

⬜ White Label SaaS

  • What This Means for You: Offering your software on a white-label basis can help you focus on product development while your partners handle sales and customer relations. This strategy is increasingly popular as it enables resellers to fully integrate and sell your SaaS as if it were their own. It’s a win-win.

  • Action: Develop a product with your branding that others can easily customize. Structure a partner program with clear guidelines and support to help resellers successfully market and sell your product.

🏷️ Lifetime Deals

  • What This Means for You: Software as a one-time fee is becoming popular as it can be a cost-effective alternative to a market saturated with subscription fees. It is also a great way to generate cash flow to fund further development and help you scale quickly.

  • Action: Write out your cost structure to determine if you can afford to switch to lifetime deals. You could also consider using this strategy as a limited-time offer to boost user adoption during product launches and generate upfront cash flow.

💵 Usage-Based Pricing

  • What This Means for You: A usage-based pricing model is becoming more common, especially with AI tools, as you can make your SaaS product more attractive to a wider range of customers. This model increases transparency and encourages more usage of the product, as customers feel more in control of what they are paying for.

  • Action: Implement tracking and billing systems that accurately measure and charge based on per usage. Educate your customers on how the pricing model works to ensure transparency and trust.

👤Micro SaaS

  • What This Means for You: Focus on a micro SaaS approach to target specific niches. This will reduce competition and increase your value proposition to a targeted group of users, which can lead to higher margins and more personalized customer service.

  • Action: Identify a key problem in your niche that is underserved by the current market. Develop an MVP to address this need. Use customer feedback to iterate quickly and refine your offering.

🪀 Analyzing Bad Unicorn's ‘Playful’ Business Model

Bad Unicorns shares how they have successfully created a brand around not taking themselves too seriously as a method to connect with a modern audience. Here is what you can learn from Bad Unicorn:

  1. Add Humor: Consider how your brand can incorporate humor and a relatable voice into its products and marketing, use ChatGPT for ideas. This can make your brand more memorable, particularly on social media, where personality can significantly boost engagement.

  2. Leverage No-Code Tools: Use no-code platforms like Bubble to quickly bring your ideas to life without significant upfront investment in technical development. This approach can help you test concepts with your audience and refine them based on feedback, much like Bad Unicorn.

  3. Engage with Trends: Regularly scan popular newsletters and forums in your niche to stay on top of current events and trends. Use this information to inspire timely products or marketing campaigns that resonate with contemporary cultural moments, increasing relevance with your audience.

  4. Develop Community Through Content: Like Bad Unicorn, focusing on building a community around your brand through engaging content and interactive projects can deepen customer loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing.

  5. Optimize Email Marketing: Take cues from Bad Unicorn's strategy by making your email marketing efforts more dynamic. Regularly update your approach to ensure alignment with your branding and customer interests, and make sure your CTA’s are clear to grow your subscriber base effectively.

 💡 Insights

💸 5 No-Code Startups Surpassing $100k MRR

Get 5 SaaS success stories demonstrating no-code tools’ power in successfully building and scaling a startup.

  • Breakdown: Each story details the journey from concept to cash flow, highlighting practical strategies you can apply to create a winning no-code app.

  • Top Industry Tools: Explore the best no-code tools that helped these startups succeed, from web builders like Bubble, which Teal uses for its job search platform, to automation through Make and CRM management via Hubspot.

  • Thoughts: With technical barriers lowering, implementing more creative and diverse SaaS ideas like the Bad Unicorns’ business model will continue to help us stand out in niches we could never develop ourselves before.

🧑‍💼 Build Your AI Employee

Get a step-by-step guide on creating custom AI assistants using Zapier Central and OpenAI's Assistant API.

  • Business Efficiency: Learn how to automate complex tasks and integrate your apps seamlessly to improve your business operations.

  • AI Training: Gain insights into how to train your AI bot with unique business data for tailored assistance.

  • Thoughts: This tutorial is useful for streamlining operations, from setting up to deploying the assistant, and helping you save costs on a VA. Check out the ‘Everything Else’ section below for an upcoming live course on creating assistants with Zapier Central.

⚙️From Augmenting to Automating Workforce

The rapid advancement of AI is transforming traditional SaaS into Service-as-a-Software, merging labor and software into one dynamic market.

  • Strategic Integration: Discover how AI is enabling the fusion of software with labor-intensive processes, allowing companies to operate more autonomously and with greater precision.

  • Efficiency and Growth: How the integration of AI into services enhance operational efficiency and transform service margins, promising significant growth and scalability for businesses.

  • Thoughts: This has created killer opportunities for one-person startups (and possibly the rise of the first solopreneur billionaires, as Sam Altman predicted). Check out the Apps & Tools section for 2 automated workforce AI tools I’m eyeing.

📘Blueprint To Building a Successful AI Business

Greg Isenberg shares his blueprint for building a successful AI business. From strategic insights into leveraging AI tools, identifying niche markets, and fostering a strong community.

  • Leverage AI Effectively: Learn how to utilize AI as a tool and a core component of your business model.

  • Community and Niche Markets: Discover the importance of building a dedicated community and focusing on niche markets to enhance customer loyalty and tailor AI products to specific needs.

  • Thoughts: This a great way to look at how you should consider AI as a way to solve specific problems and enhance customer experiences rather than just using it as a backend tool.

🧰 Apps & Tools

👥 Cassidy: Create and deploy your own custom AI assistants that can execute and plan tasks based on your goals; no coding is required. Check out the ‘Everything Else' section for a walkthrough of how Cassidy and AI agents work.

💼 Relevance AI: This app is similar to Cassidy, so I created a table highlighting a few of the differences between the two when making your purchase decision.


Cassidy AI

Relevance AI

Ideal Use

Best for entrepreneurs to enhance specific functions like sales or support.

Suitable for entrepreneurs looking for AI across multiple departments.


Semantic search for relevant information retrieval and AI workflows in chat interfaces.

Real-time monitoring, insights, and a no-code environment for easy deployment.

Free Plan

3,000 credits, up to 5 users, and 5k pages in Knowledge.

100 credits/day, 1 user, and 10MB of Knowledge.

Recommended Plan

Essentials: $49/month for 10,000 credits, 20k pages in Knowledge.

Pro: $19/month for 10,000 credits, 100MB Knowledge.

🅰️ Albus: Your one-stop platform for AI-enhanced creativity and productivity. Whether you're a researcher or entrepreneur, Albus provides tools designed to spark innovation.

🛒 IndiePulse: Filter through the noise of over 20,000 Reddit discussions with real-time valuable conversations around your niche to stay on top of emerging trends.

3D Mind Mapping: Visualize complex information in 3D to uncover intricate connections and patterns easily missed in traditional 2D mind maps.

📢 Flourish Commerce: I am always looking to share interesting projects from my subscriber base. This is Graham, a long-time subscriber and he does professional UX audits with a more hands-on and comprehensive approach.

🏷️For Sale

📃This Tool Creates Custom Site Audits

One of my favorite projects for sale this week is this no-code AI-powered website audit tool that helps enhance your UX and boost conversions.

This is a good little SaaS for someone interested in UX and wants to skip the initial steps of building the framework for the tool.


  • Asking Price: $6,000

  • TTM Revenue: $1,200

  • Average Monthly Revenue: $400/mo

  • Business Model: Credits/Usage-based

  • Category: SaaS

  • Asking for a 5x revenue multiple

🤖 Product Updates

🦄 Perplexity Joins the Unicorn Club

Perplexity has just hit unicorn status following a $62.7 million funding round, pushing its valuation to $1.04 billion.

  • Diverse Investor Base: The round featured high-profile participants, including Daniel Gross, Andrej Karpathy, and other notable figures from the tech and investment communities.

  • Revenue and Growth: The company reports an annual revenue rate of $15-$20 million, primarily from its subscription-based Perplexity Pro service.

  • Thoughts: Perplexity's approach to transforming traditional search experiences into more engaging interactions showcases how solving niche-specific user pain points can lead to significant breakthroughs and funding opportunities.

😡 Synthesia’s Leap Into Video Avatars

Synthesia enhances its tech with updated avatars that now have human-like emotions and movements.

  • Enhanced Realism: Avatars now have improved emotions, better lip tracking, and more natural human movements, giving us a more realistic and engaging viewer experience.

  • Hands-On: Synthesia mentions that the challenge is now to improve the representation of hands in avatars to achieve full realism in their AI videos.

  • Thoughts: These advancements are opening new avenues for you to create interactive content, as they can give you an advantage in customer engagement with a more humanized interaction without showing your face.

🖇️ Everything Else

⚒️ Build AI Assistants with No-Code

Following the theme of AI workforce today, the founder of #100DaysOfAI is hosting a live course on Thursday, May 2, 2024, on using Zapier Central to build powerful business assistants with no code experience. (🔗Link)

🪖 Create an Army of AI Agents

Rick Mulready gives you an overview of utilizing AI tools like Cassidy to automate various business processes, minimizing the need for manual labor and enhancing efficiency. He explains how these AI agents, GPTs, can take over customer support and email marketing tasks. (🔗Link)

😎 Leveraging Influencers for Profit

Routines Club organizes daily routines from celebrities like Andrew Huberman into 1 gallery. This blog is on track to reach $200k in 1 year with the help of affiliate links and brand partnerships. There will always be a vital factor when a project is centered around an influencer. (🔗Link)

💬 Poe’s UI Fix

Poe’s has a difficult UI at the moment to find the bot you are looking for. I found a table you can bookmark that directly links you to each bot in Poe and it gives you the cost per message. (🔗Link)

👕 Printful Best Sellers 2024

Get the best-selling products and categories from Printful's print-on-demand catalog for 2024 based on trends and consumer preferences. (🔗Link)

Until next week explorers, stay curious and connected.
