A year ago, I shut down A Better Lemonade Stand.

Today, I am relaunching...

Hey, it's Richard from A Better Lemonade Stand. 👋🏼

It has been over a year since you last heard from me. In that time, the world has changed dramatically, and we are likely experiencing one of the most extraordinary periods in human history.

I am updating you on a new direction for A Better Lemonade Stand.

I think you'll be interested.

A year ago, I put A Better Lemonade Stand on hold, ceasing blog post publications and suspending the weekly newsletter.

After nearly a decade in ecommerce and growing the blog to over 250k monthly readers, my passion and enthusiasm for the industry and business waned significantly.

Over the past year, I have been focused on exploring the no-code ecosystem and the rapid growth of AI full-time.

It's evident that the upcoming opportunities for digital entrepreneurs and creators will be immense.

While A Better Lemonade Stand has always aimed to help entrepreneurs build online businesses, the focus now is shifting from physical products to digital products and purely digital business models.

Consider this the new home for entrepreneurs & creators looking to leverage AI, NOCODE, and AUTOMATION to build better digital products and businesses.

Join me as I delve into this new frontier and share my experiences. Along the way, I'll distill my learnings, curate top tools, keep you informed about AI's rapid advancements, and share this with you through this weekly newsletter.

Is A Better Lemonade Stand for you?

Things are changing. And they are changing fast.

Generative AI and NoCode have opened up a world of opportunities for creators and digital entrepreneurs. There is now an unprecedented opportunity for anyone to leverage your content, your experiences, and your knowledge and creative potential to build and sell digital products and businesses.

Stick around if you’re also interested in exploring:

  •  âś… What a digital product is and can be in 2023

  •  âś… What are the best digital products and digital product business models

  •  âś… What are the strategies you can use to turn your content, your experiences, and your knowledge into valuable digital products

  •  âś… How to best leverage AI, no-code, and automation to build better products and businesses

Ready to explore with me? Make sure you’re on the list!

Digital Adventurer