A Better Lemonade Stand #259

Insights, trends & tools to build a better online business.


Richard from A Better Lemonade Stand.

This week I share a tool I just discovered that can take a single keyword and write up to 30 blog posts (2,000+ words each) covering the whole keyword cluster.

It’s really quite impressive and scary at the same time.

I imagine we’re only 6 months to a year away from being about to generate entire niche sites and blogs with hundreds of posts using only a single keyword.

If content isn’t your game, stick around because I also have some tools so you can build your own AI tools, no coding required.

This week:

  • 🔥 Content is King Abundent

  • 🤖 Build-a-bot… or an app

  • 🤑 How to get $1,000 in Airtable credits

If you’re just joining this newsletter or haven’t seen my previous announcement, you can read about my pivot here.

In short, going forward, I’m focused on exploring and sharing:

  • What a digital product is and can be in 2023

  • What are the best digital products and online business models

  • The strategies to turn content, experiences, and knowledge into valuable digital assets

  • How to purposefully leverage AI, no-code, and automation to build better products and businesses

Reply to this email to let me know what you think of this issue or to say 👋🏼 and introduce yourself.

📣 Shoutouts

💌 Welcome to the 241 new subscribers since the last issue!

👊🏼 A big shoutout to all of you that have replied to my previous emails. It has been great to connect with old and new readers alike.

Share your AI and no-code project with me by replying to this email. I’ll select some of the most interesting to highlight in an upcoming newsletter.

🔥 Content is King Abundent

A year ago, I remember being blown away that AI (at the time GPT 3) could write blog posts of up to 600 words on any given topic.

The content was obviously garbage, but I could clearly see the direction things were going.

In the months following, I watched as OpenAI released newer versions of GPT, allowing for better, longer, and more accurate blog content to be generated.

More recently, tools like Content At Scale and Surfer SEO AI allow you to write 2,000+ word blog posts with as little as a single keyword. It can also automatically upload them to your WordPress site, nicely formatted with AI-generated images and all.

Apparently, that wasn’t good enough because someone decided to 10× 30x what was already on the market and created Machined.ai.

Why write an entire blog post from your keywords when you can just as easily write entire content clusters of up to 30 blog posts?

That’s exactly what Machined.ai does and more.

You define the topic and audience, AI does everything else - from keyword research and content writing to interlinking the articles.

On a few of my tests, articles topped out at about 3,100 words. The posts are all pretty well-researched and formatted.

It’s obviously not perfect, far from it, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t impressed.

Based on my experience, the quality output from Machined is similar to what you would have gotten from a freelance writer a year or so ago for $200-$400 (for a similar-length article in the marketing and business niche)

Note: If you’re looking for a good content framework to clean up, optimize and personalize AI-written content, I would recommend the framework created by Content At Scale called CRAFT.

🤖 Build-A-Bot… or an app

If the mass-creation of SEO content isn’t your hustle, maybe I can interest you in creating your own AI micro app or tool.

These three tools bring multiple types of AI together in a single easy-to-understand platform, allowing you to build AI apps and tools in minutes - no coding experience needed.

Each has its own pros and cons for building AI apps, so make sure you check out all three:

If you’re really not technical, PickAxe is probably your best start point. Browse their library of apps created by the community to get ideas for your own.

If you’re ready to jump in with both feet, Respell offers the greatest feature suite. If you’re interested in learning more about building your own AI with Respeall, they have a Webinar coming up on On August 9th at 10 am PST / 1 pm EST.

During this session, you will learn the following:

  • How to build a spell (workflow) from scratch

  • How to integrate your workflow into other technologies

  • Get a sneak peek into their product roadmap and new features

🤐 How I got $1,000 in Airtable Credits

Here’s how I got $1,000 in Airtable credits and how you can as well.


Secret negotiates top-tier executive credits and deals with the most popular tech apps. Many deals are free, but for $199/year, you also get access to the 211 premium offers.

Deals like:

Ok, that’s it for this week. There’s a lot more to share, so I’m going to get started on next week’s email.

Until then, feedback is always appreciated. Just hit reply.

If you’re interested in long-term sponsorship of this newsletter, just hit reply.


This email isn’t business advice, nor am I a business expert. It’s a weekly update on entrepreneurship and my activities, meant for information and entertainment. This newsletter may earn from sponsorships, affiliate links, and digital product sales.